Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Legacy.

I think when a person contemplates their death they hope that they will be remembered for something good. That people will speak of them in a favorable light long after the sun stops shining.

I used to think that I wanted to be remembered for being a good person, for for always doing the right thing by people. Not bad aspirations, I hear you say, but I think just recently the thing I want to be remembered for is not those things. Or at least not only for those things.

I want to be remembered for something else. My Legacy to this Earth. I am leaving something that I know will bring so much happiness to so many people. It's more precious than the finest jewels, it cannot be bought, bartered for or traded.

The Legacy I am leaving this Earth with, is quite simply my greatest achievement.

My 3 wonderful children. Simply by their presence they make this world a better place.

1 comment:

M said...


Please tell me you are alright???