Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Low Down on Gluten free so far.

Well, truth be told it isn't/hasn't been that bad.

Labeling laws in Australia are pretty good, so even for dummies like me who get confused by ingredient lists - it's usually stated on the packet in plain old english if the product is actually Gluten free, so my brain fog hasn't really affected my eating so far.

The downside for me has been the scales slowly creeping upwards. I've been assured that this is only temporary, but never the less for someone like me who has a fat phobia it has been concerning.

The rest of the family is eating GF as much as possible which helps. That's because I do the cooking and refuse to prepare numerous meals on top of everything else I have to do. The family is however still enjoying bread, crackers, sliced cheese and chocolate bars (the fact they can still do that with me glaring at them is another matter....LOL). Our snacks (except for the chocolate) are all gluten free too.

So far, I am disappointed to say I don't feel any different (except fatter). No magical wonder diet here. Like everything else in my life, it seems that anything good from this will take it's time.

The very good news is............Champagne and Red Wine are gluten free! *Cheers*

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